Make a Plan to Vote Tuesday, November 8th

Meet April Becker The Leader Nevada Needs In Congress

April Becker is no stranger to an uphill battle. A working mom who put herself through both college and law school, today Becker is one of Las Vegas’s top-rated litigators. Becker tackles the tough cases. She fights for the underdog.

In it to protect our jobs …

We need leaders who understand what it will take to strengthen our economy, protect our jobs, and create new opportunities. April Becker knows an important first step is getting government out of the way, fighting tax hikes, and increasing career training in our schools.

In it to fight inflation …

Becker knows bringing down inflation means government is going to have to get control of its spending.

In it to bring down gas prices …

High gas prices have taken their toll on Nevadans. Becker is committed to commonsense solutions that combine renewable energy with increased domestic oil production and more to get control of prices at the pump.

In it to stand up to China …

Becker knows we must improve and strengthen our supply chain and decrease our dependence on China and other nations.